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Ambient Air Solutions Blog

Furnace Checklist for the End Of Heating Season

Your furnace saw you through some record-breaking temperatures this winter. With summer on the way, you won’t be using your furnace for a while. But that doesn’t mean you should forget all about your furnace when it’s not in use. 

There are steps you should take if you want to be able to rely on your furnace during the next heating season. Maintenance is the best way to show your furnace just how thankful you are for its performance.

It’s important to go through this end of heating season checklist before you close the door on winter and throw open the windows to welcome the summer.

Here’s a checklist of things you can do to make sure your furnace will be ready when you need it next. Staying on top of maintenance and scheduling furnace service in Bozeman, MT when it’s needed is the best way to prepare your furnace for next winter and extend its lifespan. 

Change the Air Filter

The best way to not forget about changing your air filter is to do it now. That way, when the first unexpected cold snap comes, this important step will already be taken care of. Also, if you have a heat pump, changing the air filter will get it ready for the cooling season. If you have ductwork in your home, the furnace uses the same ducts as the air conditioner. Changing the filter now will ensure it’s ready to go.

Spring Cleaning

Over the winter, so many household items somehow manage to accumulate in the area surrounding your furnace. Decorations, storage boxes, and winter equipment shouldn’t be stored in the area directly around your furnace. In fact, there shouldn’t be anything surrounding it. Your furnace needs optimal airflow around it to do its job effectively. Add cleaning this area to your spring cleaning checklist.

Schedule Maintenance

Although furnace maintenance is ideally done before heating season, if you can’t remember the last time you had furnace maintenance, there’s no better time like the present. Maintenance is the absolute best thing you can do to get the best performance out of your furnace. End of heating season maintenance is better than no maintenance at all.

Also, now’s the ideal time to have it done because our technicians aren’t as busy during the off season. As a reminder, central furnaces should have maintenance done once a year. Heat pumps should get maintenance twice a year. 

Schedule Your Repairs Today

Now’s a good time to assess your furnace’s performance over the winter. Are you satisfied with its performance or was it ho-hum? Was it making some strange noises or leaving pockets of cool air around the house? 

If you suspect your furnace needs a repair and you’ve been putting off calling us, we recommend not putting it off any longer. The off season is the best time for furnace repairs and besides, the cost of parts and materials is only going up, which means that repair is likely to cost more six months from now. Get those repairs taken care of and you won’t have to worry this autumn when you use your furnace for the first time. 

Contact Ambient Air Solutions today for professional furnace services. Simplifying Heating & Cooling!

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