Ambient Air Solutions Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Belgrade’

How Much Is Your Old Water Heater Costing You?

Monday, July 8th, 2024

As a homeowner, you may not give much thought to your water heater until it starts causing problems. However, an outdated water heater can cost you more money than you realize.

From higher energy bills to frequent repairs, the financial impact of an outdated water heater can add up quickly to the point that a replacement makes more financial sense. Let’s go over the ways that an outdated water heater can cost more than a replacement and why upgrading to a new model might be a smart financial move.

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What Are My Options for HVAC Installation?

Monday, May 27th, 2024

If you’re searching for a new HVAC system, you’ve come to the right place. No matter if you’re a new homeowner who’s learning about HVAC systems for the first time, or someone who needs a replacement and this isn’t your first time at this rodeo, we’ve got you covered. 

The first thing you need to know about HVAC installation is that our EPA and NATE-certified technicians are well-equipped to handle any job. Let’s review your options for HVAC Installation in Belgrade, MT, and the surrounding areas. From heat pumps to furnaces, mini splits to central air, with our help, you’ll undoubtedly find the perfect HVAC system for your home and family.

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Ductless Mini Splits Pros & Cons

Monday, April 1st, 2024
Air conditioner blowing cold air

If you’ve been considering a ductless mini split installation, you’re not alone. These systems have skyrocketed in popularity not only here in Belgrade, MT, but around the world as well. Although there’s no doubt that these systems can handle the challenges posed by extreme winter temperatures, some homeowners still wonder whether these systems are right for them. 

If you’re not sure that a ductless mini split can handle both your heating and cooling needs, keep reading! We’ll go over a definitive list of ductless mini split system pros and cons so you can decide if the initial expense is worth the lifelong savings you’ll enjoy through superior performance and energy efficiency.

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Breathe Easier in the New Year

Monday, January 8th, 2024

With the holiday season behind us, many people are thinking ahead to the new year and making resolutions. Perhaps the most popular New Year’s resolutions have to do with health. While most goals revolve around exercise, diet, and weight loss, why not resolve to improve the indoor air quality (IAQ) of your home?

If you want to vastly improve your home’s air, the best place to start is to explore your options for air filters and air purifiers. Whole house air filtration systems installed by our professional technicians can remove up to 98% of the contaminants circulating in your home! Boosting your home’s IAQ results in a host of health benefits such as improved sleep, fewer colds, reduced allergies, and less lethargy. Read on to learn more.

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What Goes on During Furnace Replacement

Monday, November 27th, 2023

Is it time for a new furnace in your Belgrade, MT home? Perhaps your furnace is well past its estimated lifespan of 15 years, your heating bills are too high, or you’re faced with a costly repair where the money would be better spent going toward a new system. 

In addition to the stress of the expense of a new furnace, many homeowners also wonder how long it will take. After all, you can’t be without even a problematic furnace in our cold winter weather, especially if you don’t have a backup source of heat. 

If we’re replacing a furnace with a furnace, you can rest assured knowing that the process won’t take too long. Furnace replacement typically takes 4-8 hours depending on the job. Of course, if you’re switching from an electric furnace to a gas furnace, this could take extra time.

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How Would You Rate Your Heating System So Far?

Monday, October 2nd, 2023

We’re well into fall and here in Montana, you’ve probably been using your heating system for a few weeks. By now, you should have a good idea of how your heating system is doing. How confident do you feel about its ability to get you through our harsh winters? 

Here’s an easy way to determine how well your heating system is doing: give it a report card! Consider its performance up until now and assign it a grade from “A” to “F” using our grading scale below. If it hasn’t been the best student, schedule heater repair or maintenance now to ensure it’s ready for the remainder of the season.

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Yes, Your Mini Split Needs Maintenance

Monday, July 10th, 2023

If you have a mini split AC, you’ve undoubtedly been enjoying its cooling power and the zone control it brings to your home. Although it might seem like your mini split will quietly hum along forever without any need for servicing, it’s still a complex piece of equipment that requires regular maintenance to keep performing well.

Although mini split tune-ups should be performed by a professional HVAC company twice a year, there are a few maintenance tasks you can–and should be doing–as a homeowner.  Let’s go over the tasks you can complete and also what happens during professional maintenance. These maintenance tasks are essential to the continued functionality of your mini split.

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Combat Wildfire Smoke in Your Montana Home with Air Filtration Systems

Monday, May 15th, 2023

Montana is known as “Big Sky Country” and unfortunately, our air quality here has deteriorated as of late. Wildfires in nearby states have become the norm which has contributed to poor indoor air quality (IAQ) during the summer months. Many homeowners have purchased portable air purifiers to combat the smoke and ash, but just how effective are these devices?

Not only that, but low indoor air quality in a home is due to many other factors other than outdoor pollution. Let’s look at the reasons why whole house air filtration installation can help you breathe easier in your home–literally.

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Electric Vs Gas Furnaces: Which Is Better?

Monday, April 3rd, 2023

When it’s time to replace your heating system, you’re faced with a lot of decisions. Although there are other types of systems for heating your home such as a heat pump or a dual-fuel system for our cold Montana winters, a central furnace is a tried-and-true method of heating your home.

We can understand why many homeowners might want to stick with what they know best and have come to rely on. You’ve decided you want a furnace, but now you have another important decision to make: electric or gas?

This can be a harder decision to make as there are many pros and cons to both fuel types. That’s why we’ve made this list to help you decide between electric vs gas furnaces in Belgrade, MT. Let’s go over them now.

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Home Benefits of Heat and Energy Recovery Ventilators

Monday, February 20th, 2023

The amount of insulation that homes have has increased over time. A well-insulated home is an energy-efficient one, and who doesn’t want to use less energy and pay smaller bills?

There’s one major drawback to homes that are tightly sealed: well-insulated homes affect indoor air quality (IAQ).

With nowhere for the pollutants and contaminants in your home’s air to go, they become trapped inside. Opening doors and windows is a good way to bring in fresh air, but doing so also creates more work for your HVAC system. It also allows in unwanted pollutants from the outside air. 

Luckily, there’s a clever solution for this tricky problem: the installation of a heat or energy recovery ventilators.

These allow clean, fresh air to enter your home without causing fluctuations in temperature that can wreak havoc on your utility bills. Read on to learn more about how heat recovery ventilators in Belgrade, MT can help improve the comfort of your home.

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