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Air Quality Testing: The First Step

When you take a deep breath inside your home, how do you feel? Here are just a few examples.

Some people say their air feels “stuffy” which is usually synonymous with the word “dusty.” Dust has a way of making the air feel dry and stale, which is why the word stuffy makes sense. Other people might say that their air is “musty” which can be a sign that there’s some slightly foul odor permeating through the air of your home. This can be due to something like mold or stagnant water.

Why are we talking about this today? That’s a good question! Before you can make noticeable changes to your home’s indoor air quality, you might want to invest in air quality testing in Belgrade, MT. This can give you a good snapshot of the major contaminants in your air, and point you towards a solution.

Different Solutions for Different Problems

The truth is that no air cleaning solution is going to deal with 100% of all the contaminants in our indoor air. While you can get a combination air cleaner, with an air filter and air purifier in place, this is essentially two systems in one and it still might not address everything.

Not only that, but trying to address everything that could be wrong with your indoor air can be an expensive endeavor. You might start spending the same amount of money that a hospital or hotel spends, and that’s usually way out of the budget of a residential customer.

So, invest in air quality testing so you can actually see which contaminant is going to require the most attention and go from there!

Stuffy Air

If your home is inundated with stuffy air to the point where dust shows up as a serious concern during an air quality test, then you might be better off with an air filtration system. These systems simply filter out any contaminants from your indoor air that are above a certain size. Dust particles, pet dander, dirt, debris, and even hair can get trapped in the filter and removed from your air completely!

Foul Odors

Foul odors can be a sign that mold or mildew is starting to grow somewhere in your home. It could be in a basement, crawlspace, or even in one of the rooms of your home.

Finding the location of the mold infestation is something that mold experts can handle, but our team can help you combat this problem by removing the spores from the air. With an air purifier, mold spores can be eliminated and your home can go back to smelling fresh and clean, while you locate and terminate any mold in your home.

Biological Contaminants

Biological contaminants can be anything from viruses to bacteria. Anything that’s living and that can infect you qualify as a biological contaminant. Sometimes an air quality test might come back that you’ve got serious biological contaminants that must be dealt with. In this case, you can go with a UV air purifier to eliminate these kinds of problems.

Or, if you’d like, you can mix a UV air purifier with an air filtration system to handle both inorganic and organic contaminants. Let’s test your air first and talk about solutions when we’re clear on what needs to be done.

Contact Ambient Air Solutions today for an air quality test. Simplifying Heating & Cooling!

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