Ambient Air Solutions Blog: Posts Tagged ‘air quality testing’

Air Quality Testing: The First Step

Monday, September 5th, 2022

When you take a deep breath inside your home, how do you feel? Here are just a few examples.

Some people say their air feels “stuffy” which is usually synonymous with the word “dusty.” Dust has a way of making the air feel dry and stale, which is why the word stuffy makes sense. Other people might say that their air is “musty” which can be a sign that there’s some slightly foul odor permeating through the air of your home. This can be due to something like mold or stagnant water.

Why are we talking about this today? That’s a good question! Before you can make noticeable changes to your home’s indoor air quality, you might want to invest in air quality testing in Belgrade, MT. This can give you a good snapshot of the major contaminants in your air, and point you towards a solution.

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