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Ambient Air Solutions Blog

Signs Your Heat Pump Needs Repairs


After the cold and frigid winter we’ve had, many Montana homeowners are ready to make the switch from heating their homes to cooling them down.

If you use a heat pump to both heat and cool your home, it’s important to know the signs that your heat pump’s performance is suffering.

A heat pump is the workhorse of your home, working year round to provide your family with comfortable temperatures. To avoid an unexpected interruption of service, be aware of these signs that mean you need heat pump repair in Gallatin County, MT.

The Heat Pump Won’t Switch to Cooling Mode

A heat pump that won’t switch from heating to cooling mode just isn’t cool–literally. If you try to make the switch from heating to cooling and it’s just not working, don’t despair. The issue could be as simple as a faulty reversing valve. 

The reversing valve is what allows a heat pump to function as both an air conditioner and a heater. Sometimes this part gives out and leaves frustrated homeowners without the ability to switch from heating to cooling mode and vice versa. Give us a call if you’re experiencing this with your heat pump and we will get it fixed as soon as we can.

Short Cycling

Short cycling makes itself apparent in a few ways. The first thing you’ll notice is that it seems like your heat pump is on all the time. The second thing you’ll notice is that your home isn’t getting any cooler despite the fact that it seems like the heat pump is running frequently.

What’s happening is that your heat pump is unable to complete a cooling cycle. It’ll turn on in an attempt to reach the set temperature. Then it runs for a few minutes, turns itself off, then turns itself on again. It’s a relentless cycle that’s frustrating for a few reasons!

Short cycling in a heat pump means that you’re wasting money on utilities as the heat pump struggles to cool down your home. As you can imagine, it also causes a lot of wear and tear on the system. Be sure to call us ASAP for this issue.

Unusual Noises

Your heat pump’s operation should be fairly noiseless. so when your heat pump starts making a racket, it’s letting you know that something is wrong. Any time you hear sudden and unusual noises from your heat pump is a good time to call us for a repair.

The types of noises you don’t want to hear are banging, hissing, bubbling, booming, and the sound of metal on metal. These noises mean something is wrong and it could be anything from a low refrigerant level to a loose part. 

The Bottom Line

We understand that a heat pump won’t break down at a time when it’s convenient. When your heat pump fails during a late winter night or on a summer holiday, you can relax—just call us. We always pick up the phone, and one of our NATE-certified technicians will soon be out to your home to resolve the problem. 

Contact Ambient Air Solutions today for professional heat pump repairs. Simplifying Heating & Cooling!

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