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Ambient Air Solutions Blog

How to Safely Utilize a Gas Furnace


We’re not going to give you a detailed description of how to take your gas furnace apart safely since that’s a job reserved for a professional technician. Instead, what we would like to talk about is the way that a homeowner can safely operate their system in the meantime when you don’t need the help of a professional.

Some homeowners get instantly turned off by the idea of having a gas burner in their home to provide heat, particularly because they don’t actually know how to utilize them as safely as they’re advertised. While true, gas is being burned in your furnace and that is essentially combustion and producing fire and gases, a furnace is set up precisely to mitigate the flames and gas in order to only provide your home with warm fresh air.

Still unconvinced? Good. We’re going to go into detail about the safety of your gas furnace in Bozeman and let you in on some operating tips to keep yourself safe and happy!

Tips for Safe Operation

Are you scared to even approach your gas furnace because you’re just not sure how to look at it like the machine it is? Well, it’s time to stop looking at your gas furnace as if its fueled by black magic. Here are some steps you can take to operate your system safely.

  1. Schedule maintenance. The easiest way to be sure that your gas furnace is operating safely is by scheduling yearly maintenance. Don’t worry about the nitty-gritty inside your system, let a trained professional do a thorough check-up and then tell you in plain English that your furnace is happy and healthy. You’ll feel much better afterward, trust us!
  2. Have carbon monoxide detectors installed. If you’re nervous about the operation of your gas furnace and you need a helping hand to make you comfortable, then a carbon monoxide detector is perfect for you and your home. These detectors will let you know, loudly and clearly, when there’s a carbon monoxide leak in your home—leaving you to live your life freely knowing there’s a vigilant protector keeping watch.
  3. Change your furnace’s air filter. Your furnace has an air filter that should be cleaned or replaced every 1-3 months. This makes sure that your system is running safely and efficiently. Otherwise, your furnace could become stifled for fresh air and end up overheating.
  4. Clean around your furnace. If you’re still nervous about your gas furnace operating safely, a great way to clear your conscience is by keeping the area around your furnace clean. By removing any flammable materials that would otherwise be within two or three feet of your furnace, you’re practically eliminating any fire hazards that you might be nervous about.

Get the Green Light

The problem with operating a gas furnace is that, as safely built as they are to operate, years of neglect or old age can lead your furnace to function less safely than we’d like. So, if you’re ever not sure about the safety of your system, it’s always a great idea to schedule furnace maintenance.

Call our team at Ambient Air Solutions to schedule your furnace care. Simplifying heating & cooling.

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