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Ambient Air Solutions Blog

Upgrade Your Heater with a New Thermostat


Usually, when we mention smart thermostats, the first image that comes to mind is the T-1000 Terminator from all of our collective bad experiences with science fiction. The problem is, while smart thermostats might not be smart enough to take over the world, they’re absolutely smart enough to make our lives easier and increase the efficiency of our heaters.

So, while we definitely recommend that everyone upgrade to smart thermostats in Bozeman, MT we’d especially like to focus today on convincing any homeowners out there that these systems are absolutely worth the investment. From keeping your home heated to more precise standards, to allowing you the ability to heat your home when you’re not even there, these handy devices really are worth every penny.

Not convinced? Keep reading and we’ll dive pretty deep into the details of what these systems can offer and how well they can help your home.

What Can They Do?

While most homeowners know what a thermostat does, not many of them know what a smart thermostat does. So, let’s first answer the most important question when it comes to smart thermostats: what can they do?

  • Set programmable temperatures. Setting programmable temperatures means being able to set times and specific temperatures for parts of the day. That means warming your home up before you get home, keeping your home cooler while you’re cooking in the kitchen, anything to keep your heater from overworking and to keep your bills low. You can even set these temperatures with your smartphone when you’re on vacation or at work!
  • Increase your efficiency. An old thermostat just has a particular temperature that has to be manually set by hand. With a smart thermostat, your minor changes and programmable schedules can be done from your smartphone or any tablet that’s connected to it. This means less time to correct temperatures and a lot of minor differences that add up in the end to quite a bit of savings!
  • Run reports and learn patterns. A smart thermostat can tell you exactly how much fuel you’re using, detail the temperatures of your home via weekly or monthly reports, and give you insight on the condition of your heater. If you’re not receiving accurate heating from your heater, your smart thermostat will make that very clear to you.

Consider Using a Professional

Most homeowners who purchase a smart thermostat rarely program them or set a schedule for them. Regardless of whether or not they want to or they know how to, this is a huge detriment.

We really want to push the idea of working with a professional that correctly installs it and answers all of your questions so that you don’t end up like the majority of people who just pay more for a modern-looking version of an old thermostat. These systems are powerful, and by working with a professional technician you can extract the power and efficiency from your heater and even your air conditioner by using a smart thermostat to its fullest extent.

Increase your home heater’s efficiency by calling our team at Ambient Air Solutions today! Simplifying heating & cooling.

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